How to survive the summer heat?

Tomorrow in the Netherlands promise temperatures over 30 degrees. In such weather, the body needs more liquid, so which drinks are better to give preference to?

1. Mineral water, in which no more than 10 g of salts per liter, mint or lemon can be added to it.

2. Tea that can be drunk not only cold, but also hot, like the inhabitants of the southeastern countries. There is no task to drink super-hot tea: the recommended temperature is no more than 60 degrees.

3. Herbal and fruit teas. Ivan tea is a good alternative to tea, and it also has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

4. Kvass - a familiar classic from childhood

5. By the way, kefir and fermented baked milk perfectly quench your thirst, and can also replace a snack on a hot day.