11/15/2019 - on this day, Nashonline.nl began to work as an online store.

186,457 units have been sold since then!

And the first place among them is, what do you think? Creamy ice cream in a waffle cup!

1,736 - This is the number of pieces of ice cream sold from the first day of the store. That is how many times we have made each of you happy!


1,582 - how many times have you ordered rustic cottage cheese of 15% fat from us and, apparently, you really liked it, since you came back to it again and again.


A record amount of dumplings, namely - 3 tons, came to you for dinner on warm, cozy evenings.


And for breakfast - 76 kg of red caviar.


With the opening of an offline store, sales growth in September grew by 26% compared to the previous year.

We have 942 unique registered customers and many unregistered customers who have made one or more purchases!