Good afternoon friends.
We have been living in The Hague for almost eight years and we are well aware of how important it is to preserve at least a part of the Motherland, native places, the feeling of home, while living abroad. The kitchen is an integral part of the culture, hence the idea of creating NASH (means Ours in Russian) store, where you and I could buy the usual foods, drinks, medicinal herbs and other goods that are sold in any store with you in your homeland.
Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are (Anselm Brillat-Savarin)
Stores with OUR food have existed in The Hague and other Dutch cities for a long time. We ourselves have been customers in these stores all these years. Seeing how other stores are working, the idea came to us to create NASH store, which would combine the best possible that is in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish stores - an excellent assortment and quality of products, low prices, adding delivery to them products to your home.
We are just starting, we are ready to learn, to listen to your wishes in terms of assortment, service, prices. We ask you to always provide us with information about the best service, about lower prices. We will strive to ensure that you enjoy shopping with us and help us become better and better.
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